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Social media problems in politics

Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and now Tik Tok is becoming a new way for politics to spread the word about their campaign. Trump has proved that he can tweet about anything since he began his presidency, he proved that over 20,000 times that he can use social media to rule out his problems.

The 2020 Presidential elections are coming up close and the candidates are trying to figure out how to get to new and young voters. The number one way is through social media. The problem there is that they don’t know how to use it without creating havoc or having a controversy. Social media has its own problems in general as it creates a wall from the real world. The candidates running for president aren’t going to understand how to use Instagram or Tik Tok as those are the most popular social media apps in the world today.

Instagram has already been used for advertising campaigns as well as charities and fundraisers. Tik Tok is new and still growing and is not a great way to campaign. The content on Tik Tok is made from kids trying to get on the “For You Page” as well as being the newest trend. Id politics used Tik Tok for campaigning not many people would like to use the app because they know that there are possibly going to be “annoying” advertisements that they don’t want to see. It is like watching YouTube and then an ad comes up and you can’t skip it in the first five seconds of the ad, so you have to wait for your video to start.

Media is a large source that wreaks havoc in politics. Mr. Abel, a high school physical education teacher said, “Everyone should be back checked. People will often buy ads on Facebook, but they are not always backchecked, and can’t always be trusted.” Backchecking should always happen, this is to be sure of criminal charges and business backgrounds. Every job does this to be sure that their possible employees won’t harm the workspace or environment.

President Donald Trump does not help the case of social media. This one tweet should not have been released and caused a stir in our world. On July 22, 2018, realDonaldTrump, tweeted, “To Iranian President Rouhani: NEVER, EVER THREATEN THE UNITED STATES AGAIN OR YOU WILL SUFFER CONSEQUENCES THE LIKES OF WHICH FEW THROUGHOUT HISTORY HAVE BEEN SUFFERED BEFORE. WE ARE NO LONGER A COUNTRY THAT WILL STAND FOR YOUR DEMENTED WORDS OF VIOLENCE & DEATH. BE CAUTIOUS.” The president himself threatened a leader that could possibly ruin American life as it is.

Social media causes too many problems in politics. People should be backchecked, but messages should be approved. Social media does not belong in politics and never should have either.

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